Multilevel Regression and Post-Stratification

Stratum Specific effect modification

Nathaniel Forde

Data Science @ Personio

and Open Source Contributor @ PyMC





None of Personio’s data was used in this presentation

Code or it didn’t Happen

The worked examples used here can be found here

The Pitch

Opt-out policies in SAAS customer surveys represent a risk for bias in survey derived summaries of sentiment

Multilevel Regression with Post-stratification is a corrective technique for intellegently re-weighting the summaries to better reflect the true population distribution of sentiment.



  • Regression as Strata specific Summarisation
  • Sampling and Probability Sampling
  • Stratum Specific Modelling
  • Stratum Specific Adjustment
  • Conclusion
    • When to Adjust and Why?

Regression Modelling

In which we illustrate how regression models automate strata specific effect modification

Regression: What are we even doing?

\[\hat{y_{i}} = \alpha + \beta_{1}X_{1} ... \beta_{n}X_{n}\]

Assume \(y = \hat{y_{i}} + \epsilon\) where \(E(\epsilon) = 0\)

\[ E[y | X = x] = \alpha + \beta_{1}X_{1} ... \beta_{n}X_{n}\]

\[ y \sim Normal(\hat{y_{i}}, \sigma) \]

Regression: What are we even doing?

m0 = smf.ols('np.log(hwage) ~ job +  educ', data=df).fit()
m1 = smf.ols('np.log(hwage) ~ job + educ + male ', data=df).fit()
pred = m0.predict(['software_engineer', 'college'])
pred1 = m1.predict(['software_engineer', 'college', 1])
diff = predc - pred1

As we add more covariates we add more combinatorial branches which define the available strata across our population of interest.

A fitted regression model allows us to explore the conditional branching probabilities.

Regression as Effect Modification

reg = bmb.Model("Outcome ~ 1 + Treatment", df)
results =

reg_strata = bmb.Model("""Outcome ~ 1 + Treatment + Risk_Strata 
+ Treatment_x_Risk_Strata""", df)
results_strata =
bmb.interpret.plot_predictions(reg, results, conditional=["Treatment"])
bmb.interpret.plot_predictions(reg_strata, results_strata, conditional=["Treatment"])

Bambi’s Marginal Effects Interpretation module automates the implications of each model fit

Regression as Weighting Adjustment

Regression automates the more manual re-weighting that needs to occur to account for different varieties of risk across the strata of our population

The Need for Re-Weighting

  • Causal Inference
    • Inverse Probability Weighting
    • Pseudo-Population Imputation
    • Treatment effect estimation
  • Survey Sample Bias
    • Non-response
    • Opt-out Sampling contracts
    • Incomplete coverage
    • Multilevel Regression
    • Post-stratification Adjustment

Sampling and Probability Sampling

In which we discuss the manner in which sample bias can corrupt the inferences drawn in even theoretically sound regression models.

The Data

We examine a comprehensive YouGov poll on whether employers should cover abortion in their coverage plans.

We select a biased subsample.

Deliberate Bias

Illustrated differences in vote share by demographics

Prep Data for Modelling

Modelling of Survey Outcomes

Bayesian Models incorporate different sources of knowledge

“In conventional sampling theory, the only scenario considered is essentially that of ‘drawing from an urn’, and the only probabilities that arise are those that presuppose the contents of the ‘urn’ or the ‘population’ already known, and seek to predict what ‘data’ we are likely to get as a result. …It was our use of probability theory as logic that has enabled us to do so easily what was impossible for those who thought of probability as a physical phenomenon associated with ‘randomness’. Quite the opposite; we have thought of probability distributions as carriers of information.” - Edwin Jaynes in Probability: The Logic of Science pg88 & p117

Exploratory Modelling

We fit a preliminary model to investigate the interactions across demographic splits. We specify a logit model using the binomial link.

formula = """ p(abortion, n) ~ C(state) + C(eth) + C(edu) + male + repvote"""

base_model = bmb.Model(formula, model_df, family="binomial")

result =
    idata_kwargs={"log_likelihood": True},

fig, ax = bmb.interpret.plot_comparisons(
    contrast={"eth": ["Black", "White"]},
    conditional=["age", "edu"],
    subplot_kwargs={"main": "age", "group": "edu"},
    fig_kwargs={"figsize": (12, 5), "sharey": True},
ax[0].set_title("Comparison of Difference in Ethnicity \n within Age and Educational Strata");

Plotting Implications

Plotting Implications

Investigating Marginal Contrasts

Stratum Specific Modelling

In which we fit our full model to the biased data.

The Full Hierarchical Interaction Model

\[Pr(y_i = 1) = logit^{-1}\Bigg( \alpha_{\rm s[i]}^{\rm state} + \alpha_{\rm a[i]}^{\rm age} + \alpha_{\rm r[i]}^{\rm eth} + \alpha_{\rm e[i]}^{\rm edu} \\ + \beta^{\rm male} \cdot {\rm Male}_{\rm i} + \alpha_{\rm g[i], r[i]}^{\rm male.eth} + \alpha_{\rm e[i], a[i]}^{\rm edu.age} + \alpha_{\rm e[i], r[i]}^{\rm edu.eth} \Bigg)\]

Allowing for stratum specific intercept terms for each level of the demographic categories and their interaction effects.

The Model in Code

Fitting the model to the biased sample:

formula = """ p(abortion, n) ~ (1 | state) + (1 | eth) + (1 | edu)
 + male + repvote  + (1 | male:eth) + (1 | edu:age) + (1 | edu:eth)"""

model_hierarchical = bmb.Model(formula, model_df, family="binomial")

Learning the Bias

The Model Derived Coefficients

Stratum Specific Adjustment

In which we use the fitted model to predict rates of voting over the population and adjust the predicted values by the relative weights each strata occupies in the population.

Predicting Vote Share

Using the Biased Model

new_data = (new_data.merge(
    new_data.groupby("state").agg({"n": "sum"})
    .rename({"n": "state_total"}, axis=1)
new_data["state_percent"] = new_data["n"] / new_data["state_total"]
result_adjust = model_hierarchical.predict(result, 
data=new_data, inplace=False, kind="pps")

Adjusting the State Level Predictions

Reweighting Outcomes by Strata specific Share

estimates = []
## The base model posterior fitted on biased sample
abortion_posterior_base = az.extract(result)["p(abortion, n)_mean"]

## The posterior updated with national level figures
abortion_posterior_mrp = az.extract(result_adjust)["p(abortion, n)_mean"]

## Adjusting the predictions on state level
for s in new_data["state"].unique():
    idx = new_data.index[new_data["state"] == s].tolist()
    predicted_mrp = (
        ((abortion_posterior_mrp[idx].mean(dim="sample") * 
    predicted_mrp_lb = (
                abortion_posterior_mrp[idx].quantile(0.025, dim="sample")
                * new_data.iloc[idx]["state_percent"]
    predicted_mrp_ub = (
                abortion_posterior_mrp[idx].quantile(0.975, dim="sample")
                * new_data.iloc[idx]["state_percent"]
    predicted = abortion_posterior_base[idx].mean().item()
    base_lb = abortion_posterior_base[idx].quantile(0.025).item()
    base_ub = abortion_posterior_base[idx].quantile(0.975).item()

        [s, predicted, base_lb, base_ub, predicted_mrp, predicted_mrp_ub, predicted_mrp_lb]

state_predicted = pd.DataFrame(
    columns=["state", "base_expected", "base_lb", 
    "base_ub", "mrp_adjusted", "mrp_ub", "mrp_lb"],

state_predicted = (
    .rename({"abortion": "census_share"}, axis=1)

Comparing Adjusted and Raw Predictions

Derived state level predictions using the biased sample and the corrected values.

Comparing Adjusted and Raw Predictions


The Need for Reweighting

“The IID condition is a mathematical specification of what Hume called the uniformity of nature. To say that nature is uniform means that whatever circumstances holds for the observed, the same circumstances will continue to hold for the unobserved. This is what Hume required for the possibility of inductive reasoning”

  • Survey Bias Breaks the IID condition
  • Inference falls apart with non-representative samples
  • Prediction suffers from wild skew
  • Knowledge about demographic representation informs priors
  • Historic rates can be used to improve sample representation
  • Model recovers inferential validity. Prediction improves.