Causal Narratives in Survey Analysis
Data Science @ Personio
and Open Source Contributor @ PyMC
None of Personio’s data was used in this presentation
Code or it didn’t Happen
The worked examples used here can be found here
Causal inference techniques are required for Non-response bias in People Analytics survey data
Bayesian imputation methods are state of the art for theory-informed imputation of missing data. Missing data imputation is important.
We cannot use data to distinguish cases which are MNAR V (MCAR or MAR).
We are required to make assumptions about the nature of the missing-ness to try and account for it.
We can model the distribution governing our data to sample values where they are missing.
Employee Empowerment Survey
Metrics with Gaps
We can use a MLE variant called Full information maximum likelihood to estimate the multivariate distribution.
\[ \mathbf{Y} = MvNormal(\mu, \Sigma) \]
FIML controls for the missing observations in the data by maximising the likelihood based across the different patterns of missing-ness in the data.
FIML in code
data = df_employee[["worksat", "empower", "lmx"]]
def split_data_by_missing_pattern(data):
# We want to extract our the pattern of missing-ness in our dataset
# and save each sub-set of our data in a structure that can be used to feed into a log-likelihood function
grouped_patterns = []
patterns = data.notnull().drop_duplicates().values
# A pattern is whether the
# values in each column e.g.
# [True, True, True] or [True, True, False]
observed = data.notnull()
for p in range(len(patterns)):
temp = observed[
(observed["worksat"] == patterns[p][0])
& (observed["empower"] == patterns[p][1])
& (observed["lmx"] == patterns[p][2])
grouped_patterns.append([patterns[p], temp.index, data.iloc[temp.index].dropna(axis=1)])
return grouped_patterns
def reconstitute_params(params_vector, n_vars):
# Convenience numpy function to construct mirrored COV matrix
# From flattened params_vector
mus = params_vector[0:n_vars]
cov_flat = params_vector[n_vars:]
indices = np.tril_indices(n_vars)
cov = np.empty((n_vars, n_vars))
for i, j, c in zip(indices[0], indices[1], cov_flat):
cov[i, j] = c
cov[j, i] = c
cov = cov + 1e-25
return mus, cov
def optimise_ll(flat_params, n_vars, grouped_patterns):
mus, cov = reconstitute_params(flat_params, n_vars)
# Check if COV is positive definite
if (np.linalg.eigvalsh(cov) < 0).any():
return 1e100
objval = 0.0
for obs_pattern, _, obs_data in grouped_patterns:
# This is the key (tricky) step because we're selecting the variables which pattern
# the full information set within each pattern of "missing-ness"
# e.g. when the observed pattern is [True, True, False] we want the first two variables
# of the mus vector and we want only the covariance relations between the relevant variables from the cov
# in the iteration.
obs_mus = mus[obs_pattern]
obs_cov = cov[obs_pattern][:, obs_pattern]
ll = np.sum(multivariate_normal(obs_mus, obs_cov).logpdf(obs_data))
objval = ll + objval
return -objval
def estimate(data):
n_vars = data.shape[1]
# Initialise
mus0 = np.zeros(n_vars)
cov0 = np.eye(n_vars)
# Flatten params for optimiser
params0 = np.append(mus0, cov0[np.tril_indices(n_vars)])
# Process Data
grouped_patterns = split_data_by_missing_pattern(data)
# Run the Optimiser.
result = scipy.optimize.minimize(
optimise_ll, params0, args=(n_vars, grouped_patterns), method="Powell"
except Exception as e:
raise e
mean, cov = reconstitute_params(result.x, n_vars)
return mean, cov
fiml_mus, fiml_cov = estimate(data)
The Estimated model Parameters are used to sample from the implied distribution.
But the approach lacks control and insight into why the data was missing in the first place.
Cannot directly account for MNAR cases.
In which we directly sample probable values for each missing observation conditional on flexibly specifiable models.
The idea
Start with the observation that: \[f(emp, lmx, climate, male) \\ = f(emp | lmx, climate, male) \cdot \\f(lmx | climate, male) \cdot f(climate | male) \cdot f(male)^{*}\]
which can be phrased as a set of linear models
\[ empower = \alpha_{2} + \beta_{3}male + \beta_{4}climate + \beta_{5}lmx \\ lmx = \alpha_{1} + \beta_{1}climate + \beta_{2}male \\ climate = \alpha_{0} + \beta_{0}male \]
To evaluate the integrals in the Bayesian model we use MCMC to estimate conditional probabilities of the joint distribution.
\[\underbrace{\color{blue}{\beta}}_{\text{prior draws}} \sim Normal(0, 1) \]
\[ \underbrace{p(\color{blue}{\beta} | D)}_{\text{posterior draws}} = \frac{p(\mathbb{\color{blue}{\beta}})p(D | \color{blue}{\beta} )}{\int_{i}^{n} p(D | \mathbf{\color{blue}{\beta_{i}}})p(\mathbf{\color{blue}{\beta_{i}}}) } \]
Priors can be used flexibly to regularise and improve reliability of estimation across structural causal models.
data = df_employee[["lmx", "empower", "climate", "male"]]
lmx_mean = data["lmx"].mean()
lmx_min = data["lmx"].min()
lmx_max = data["lmx"].max()
lmx_sd = data["lmx"].std()
cli_mean = data["climate"].mean()
cli_min = data["climate"].min()
cli_max = data["climate"].max()
cli_sd = data["climate"].std()
priors = {
"climate": {"normal": [lmx_mean, lmx_sd, lmx_sd],
"uniform": [lmx_min, lmx_max]},
"lmx": {"normal": [cli_mean, cli_sd, cli_sd],
"uniform": [cli_min, cli_max]},
def make_model(priors, normal_pred_assumption=True):
coords = {
"alpha_dim": ["lmx_imputed", "climate_imputed", "empower_imputed"],
"beta_dim": [
with pm.Model(coords=coords) as model:
# Priors
beta = pm.Normal("beta", 0, 1, size=6, dims="beta_dim")
alpha = pm.Normal("alphas", 10, 5, size=3, dims="alpha_dim")
sigma = pm.HalfNormal("sigmas", 5, size=3, dims="alpha_dim")
if normal_pred_assumption:
mu_climate = pm.Normal(
"mu_climate", priors["climate"]["normal"][0], priors["climate"]["normal"][1]
sigma_climate = pm.HalfNormal("sigma_climate", priors["climate"]["normal"][2])
climate_pred = pm.Normal(
"climate_pred", mu_climate, sigma_climate, observed=data["climate"].values
climate_pred = pm.Uniform("climate_pred", 0, 40, observed=data["climate"].values)
if normal_pred_assumption:
mu_lmx = pm.Normal("mu_lmx", priors["lmx"]["normal"][0], priors["lmx"]["normal"][1])
sigma_lmx = pm.HalfNormal("sigma_lmx", priors["lmx"]["normal"][2])
lmx_pred = pm.Normal("lmx_pred", mu_lmx, sigma_lmx, observed=data["lmx"].values)
lmx_pred = pm.Uniform("lmx_pred", 0, 40, observed=data["lmx"].values)
# Likelihood(s)
lmx_imputed = pm.Normal(
alpha[0] + beta[0] * data["male"] + beta[1] * climate_pred,
climate_imputed = pm.Normal(
alpha[1] + beta[2] * data["male"],
empower_imputed = pm.Normal(
alpha[2] + beta[3] * data["male"] + beta[4] * climate_pred + beta[5] * lmx_pred,
idata = pm.sample_prior_predictive()
pm.sample_posterior_predictive(idata, extend_inferencedata=True)
return idata, model
idata_uniform, model_uniform = make_model(priors, normal_pred_assumption=False)
idata_normal, model_normal = make_model(priors, normal_pred_assumption=True)
Chained Equation Model
Imputing the values and feeding them forward into the ultimate likelihood terms to estimate the profile of the joint distribution.
The Effect of choosing the right Priors
Model choice using predictive adequacy as a constraint. Bayesian model adequacy workflow applies here too
In which we consider how management structure and team membership can induce different patterns of imputation.
Team Empowerment Scores
We can try to recover ignorable missing-ness i.e moving to MAR from MNAR conditional on group specific random effects.
team_idx, teams = pd.factorize(df_employee["team"], sort=True)
employee_idx, _ = pd.factorize(df_employee["employee"], sort=True)
coords = {"team": teams, "employee": np.arange(len(df_employee))}
with pm.Model(coords=coords) as hierarchical_model:
# Priors
company_beta_lmx = pm.Normal("company_beta_lmx", 0, 1)
company_beta_male = pm.Normal("company_beta_male", 0, 1)
company_alpha = pm.Normal("company_alpha", 20, 2)
team_alpha = pm.Normal("team_alpha", 0, 1, dims="team")
team_beta_lmx = pm.Normal("team_beta_lmx", 0, 1, dims="team")
sigma = pm.HalfNormal("sigma", 4, dims="employee")
# Imputed Predictors
mu_lmx = pm.Normal("mu_lmx", 10, 5)
sigma_lmx = pm.HalfNormal("sigma_lmx", 5)
lmx_pred = pm.Normal("lmx_pred", mu_lmx, sigma_lmx, observed=df_employee["lmx"].values)
# Combining Levels
alpha_global = pm.Deterministic("alpha_global", company_alpha + team_alpha[team_idx])
beta_global_lmx = pm.Deterministic(
"beta_global_lmx", company_beta_lmx + team_beta_lmx[team_idx]
beta_global_male = pm.Deterministic("beta_global_male", company_beta_male)
# Likelihood
mu = pm.Deterministic(
alpha_global + beta_global_lmx * lmx_pred + beta_global_male * df_employee["male"].values,
empower_imputed = pm.Normal(
idata_hierarchical = pm.sample_prior_predictive()
sample_blackjax_nuts(draws=20_000, random_seed=500, target_accept=0.99)
pm.sample_posterior_predictive(idata_hierarchical, extend_inferencedata=True)
Hierarchical Team based Model
Modification of Leader Impact based on Team imputed with Uncertainty
Imputation patterns under team influence
In which we digress on the importance for imputation in causal inference more generally.
ID | \(Y_{i}(0)\) | \(Y_{i}(1)\) |
1 | ? | 1 |
2 | 1 | ? |
3 | ? | 0 |
4 | ? | 1 |
5 | 0 | ? |
The Fundamental problem of Causal Inference as Missing Data
We’ve seen the application of missing data analysis to survey data in the context of People Analytics.
Multivariate approaches are effective but cannot help address confounding bias,
The flexibility of the Bayesian approach can be tailored to the appropriate complexity of our theory about why our data is missing.
Hierarchical structures pervade business - conduits for leadership influence/communication channels. Hierarchical modelling can isolate estimates of this impact and control for biases of naive aggregates.
Imputation gives “voice” to the missing. Inverse Propensity weighting corrects mis-representative samples. Both are correctives for selection effect bias.
Missing Data with PyMC